Thank you so much for the amazing opportunity Jana 💕

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You’re welcome! Let's see how many readers will join the challenge. I hope I’m on the list ☺️ thank you for this fantastic idea

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Already on the list! and yes, let’s see who joins 🫶🏻

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After putting my kid to sleep, I’ll read 4-5 pages. Join me on the list.

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That’s great! I’m sure you’ll enjoy the challenge, Shanjitha ☺️

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Tiny changes are everything! I started meditating by sitting for just one minute. Now I usually do 15 or 20 min a day. People often worry the small change isn’t enough to make a difference, but it’s all about overcoming resistance and creating the habit, which you can then build on. If you want to get metaphysical about it, I think tiny changes are key moments that change your life trajectory and activate parallel lives. People obsess over huge transformations but powering transformational change are small choices at crucial moments.

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I agree with you, Suzanne. It is usable in many ways, as you have done with mediation by starting with one minute of practice and building on it. Overcome resistance and procrastination tendencies by starting with one minute, which helps you go further or longer as you activate the law of motion. Thank you for sharing your view; that means a lot.

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